Saturday, January 7, 2012

just sad.

Tomorrow I go back to Auburn. I honestly never expected it to get harder to leave my family for school as the semesters went by. I love Auburn. And I love architecture, and I'm so glad God put me there-- but theres no other way to put this....... it sucks. It just sucks that we all have to be so separated. And that all of our wonderful times together end too soon. 

I know this semester is gonna chap my hide prolly even more than the last one....this whole architecture thing is tough business, and sometimes I get wimpy and dont think I can do it. But its awesome. And I have to go back. So I need to put my big girl panties on and deal. 

...but it still sucks. 

"..its ending all too soon..."

Gosh I love these people.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


    New Years is not the only time for resolutions. Every month, every week, every day, every hour we ought to resolve to be the best versions of ourselves we can be. After many years of failed attempts at keeping New Year's resolutions, and the discouragement that inevitably follows, this year I've decided to not make a trailing list of overwhelming items for me to remember everyday, (although I know that's not always the idea) but reflect back on my old resolutions, and if I could focus on one thing, focus on urging myself to drop this legalistic and perfectionist mentality that plagues my life sometimes, but learn the discipline of picking back up wherever I left off whenever I can. Discouragement will come, I know this, but it's our duty as Christians to not stand defeated. I mean this in every aspect of my life. Whether it's journaling, or reading my Bible, or hanging up my clothes. Eating healthy, exercise or putting others before myself. The goal, is to do these things, not to meet my self-centered expectations of doing them everyday on my perfect schedule, without fail because by jove I resolved to do them this year. The point is we're fallen, helpless, unmotivated creatures on our own, and hopefully, with that should come a sense of humility, and a constant reminder of our deep need for Jesus Christ. 

I hope everyone had a splendidly happy New Year's eve, and has an even more exciting 2012 full of wonder and adventure! 


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Say no to icecream, and YES to smoothie!

We've been working and cleaning around here all day, it's SOOOO hot outside, and the perfect shift into a relaxing evening was this yummy-yummyness:

A banana, frozen strawberries, vanilla yogurt, Pom juice, and a small cup of crushed ice.

Now I know it's the most traditional smoothie in the book, but it doesn't get better than that.

(Sometimes it's just nice to leave out the spinach and flax) ;)

To healthy snacking!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

take five.

That's right, I've tried the whole blogging thing five times now.

 First there was "pickle page" which quickly was forgotten by myself and anyone else who ever came across it. ("pickle page??" really? can see why it never got too far. )

then there was M&M, (originally named Screebees) which I have to admit was pretty pop-u-larr back in its day. (ok maybe not, but it was fun) followed by:

"The breakfast table." Clearly there is more going on at our actual breakfast table. And if there's not...then we're all starving.

(technically i've been involved with more blogs then this if you want to include a neglected music blog I never really got started, and the honor of being a part of "She is tolerable I suppose"-- my friend's Jane Austen reading blog. We had I hopes for our reading list that didn't happen) :)

SOOO ok. I'm not the most faithful blogger. But really, who cares? Sailboat--which I will probably re-name a bazillionillion times is my next blogging adventure. Like many aspects of the internet, I have a love/hate relationship with blogs, and i'll probably rant about it many times...but for now I'm going to stop being a perfectionist baby and post already.